The shooting of Prithviraj's Louis Aaraman or Louis VI will start only after he finishes the Bollywood film 'Ayya' and Malayalam film Mallu Singh. Some of the news from Mollywood say that Louis VI will start rolling next year only. It means Malayalam film lovers have to wait one more year for a comedy film from young Superstar Prithviraj. Louis VI will be produced by Biji John and Santhosh Mathai under the banner of Cinema Movies.
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Thursday, 3 November 2011
Prithviraj in Louis Araman as Louis VI
The shooting of Prithviraj's Louis Aaraman or Louis VI will start only after he finishes the Bollywood film 'Ayya' and Malayalam film Mallu Singh. Some of the news from Mollywood say that Louis VI will start rolling next year only. It means Malayalam film lovers have to wait one more year for a comedy film from young Superstar Prithviraj. Louis VI will be produced by Biji John and Santhosh Mathai under the banner of Cinema Movies.