Malayalam film's Big Ms Mohanlal and Mammootty will act together in M T's Randamoozham. Randamoozham is one of the best book written by M T Vasudevan Nair. With this upcoming movie, M T will write screenplay again for his famous director Hariharan almost two years after their last super hit film Pazhashiraja.
When Mammootty- Mohanlal- Hariharan- M T team unites, it's something that is very rare to occur in a film industry like Mollywood. There has been many rumors that Mohanlal and Mammootty films will be coming in 2011. But it didn't happen. But with Randamoozham, these two superstars will unite again. The casting of Randammozham is said to have very thick casting with some stars from Kollywood. There were reports saying that Ajith will perform in this movie. Mohanlal will be acting as Bheeman in this dream project of M T, while Mammootty handles a negative epic character- Dhuryodhanan.
As per the latest reports, the shooting of film Randamoozham will start from 2012 February onwards.
If everything goes fine, we can see these two superstars in Malayalam film industry 'fighting' each other backed by M T and Hariharan, making Randamoozham as that film which Malayalees never forget.