The King and The Commissioner is the latest Malayalam film starring Mammotty and Suresh Gopi. King and Commissioner is a political thriller and is considered as the sequel to yest year's two super hit films of the Mammootty and Suresh Gopi- The King and Commissioner respectively. Ranji Panikkar is written the script for his best director Shaji Kailas for this movie King and Commissioner, just like the other two films.
The new trend of Malayalam cinema industry is multi star films. Just like other multi star films that has had a good backbone and collection reports, the crew behind The King and Commissioner also feels the same. Director of the movie Shaji Kailas is very happy that he got the best script writer for him after a long gap. The duo had created some of the best films in Malayalam cinema world. The latest reports on KIng and Commissioner says that the movie will be released on this Christmas.
Mammotty and Suresh Gopi in King and Commissioner
Mammootty and Suresh Gopi will reprise their famous roles in 'The King' and 'Commissioner' in this movie. Mammooty's role in 'The King' is a collector who fights for the injustices and political instability in the State. You would probably can't forget the name of his character in this Malayalam film- Joseph Alex IAS. Yes, Mammootty is back as Josesph Alex IAS in 'The KIng and The Commissioner.
This is the third time Suresh Gopi doing the role of Bharathchandran IPS. The first one was in 'The Commissioner' and then in the 2005 super hit Malayalam film 'Bharat Chandran IPS'. The story of The King and Commissioner is set up in New Delhi. The Director Shaji Kailas says that King and Commissioner story is the story happening in New Delhi where both Bharat Chandran and Joseph Alex works.When these two superstars are lined together in a political thriller like movie King and Commissioner, you expects nothing more than a blockbuster.