Mohanlal has been signed for the first Malayalam film venture of Bollywood's production house, UTV. Mohanlal's UTV picture is titled as 'Grandmaster', although the name of the movie is not conformed yet. B. Unnikrishnan will direct Mohanlal's new film. Latest buzz in Mollywood is that the actor is signed for a very huge price by UTV in their first attempt in Malayalam film industry. The shooting of Grandmaster will start soon and some reports claim that the movie will start rolling after the shooting of Mohanlal's ever big budget film 'Casanova'.
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Thursday, 3 November 2011
Mohanlal's Grandmaster Story and Preview
Mohanlal has been signed for the first Malayalam film venture of Bollywood's production house, UTV. Mohanlal's UTV picture is titled as 'Grandmaster', although the name of the movie is not conformed yet. B. Unnikrishnan will direct Mohanlal's new film. Latest buzz in Mollywood is that the actor is signed for a very huge price by UTV in their first attempt in Malayalam film industry. The shooting of Grandmaster will start soon and some reports claim that the movie will start rolling after the shooting of Mohanlal's ever big budget film 'Casanova'.