It has been almost 8 years the duo had done a film together. Mohanlal and Priyadarshan had been a good combination in Malayalam film industry in it's golden time. When they are coming back again with a humor in it's subject, naturally the expectation is very high. Mukesh is also handling an important role in Arabiyum Ottakavum P Madhavan Nairum in Oru Marubhumi Kadha. Bhavana and Lakshmi Rai are the two heroines in this movie.
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Thursday, 3 November 2011
Release Date: Arabiyum Ottakavum P Madhavan Nairum
It has been almost 8 years the duo had done a film together. Mohanlal and Priyadarshan had been a good combination in Malayalam film industry in it's golden time. When they are coming back again with a humor in it's subject, naturally the expectation is very high. Mukesh is also handling an important role in Arabiyum Ottakavum P Madhavan Nairum in Oru Marubhumi Kadha. Bhavana and Lakshmi Rai are the two heroines in this movie.